Biography – Disctinctions and awards
- Knight of the Legion of Honor
- Officer in the National Order of Merit
- Officer in the Order of Academic Palms
- Honorary member of the University Institute of France
- Member of the Academy of Air and Space
- Member of the Academia Europaea
- Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres, Toulouse
- Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences, Belles-Lettres and Arts of Bordeaux
- Elected 1st woman of Midi-Pyrénées » Version Femina » in 2009
- Manley Bendall Award 2021
- Third prize of the high school students’ book (scientific) 2019
- Grand prix du livre scientifique des gourmets de lettres (Académie des Jeux Floraux) 2015
- Grand prix des amis de la Cité de l’Espace 2009
- Prize of the Academy of Occitania 2008
- Prize of the scientific book of Orsay 2002
- Prize of the Cercle d’Oc 1999
- Alpha d’Or de l’Espace 1998
The name of Sylvie Vauclair was given by the International Astronomical Union to an asteroid of the main belt: 352333 Sylvievauclair