Biography – Research students

I have directed or co-directed the theses of 15 students

I give below their names, the date of their thesis defense and their subsequent situation:

    • Georges Alecian 1976 (3rd cycle) then 1981 (State doctorate) : emeritus director of research at the CNRS.
    • Luc Tiennot 1984: professor
    • Eric Morvan 1986 (co-director): professor
    • Edouard Siregar 1988 (co-director): professor
    • Corinne Charbonnel 1992 : professor at the Geneva Observatory.
    • Yves Gaigé 1994 : research engineer.
    • Olivier Richard 1999: teacher-researcher at the University of Montpellier
    • José Dias do Nascimento Jr. 1999 (co-direction): professor in Brazil
    • Sylvie Théado: 2002: professor
    • Michael Bazot, 2005: researcher
    • Matthieu Castro, 2006: professor in Brazil
    • Marion Laymand, 2008: engineer
    • Mélanie Soriano, 2009: left research
    • Maria-Eliana Escobar-Munoz, 2013: CONICYT (Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Technologica), Chile
    • Morgan Deal, 2016 (co-director): researcher at the astronomy center of the University of Porto

Thesis juries

Since the beginning of my career, I have served on about 90 thesis juries including postgraduate theses, state theses, university theses and Habilitation theses, and I have often chaired them. Many of these former students now have positions of responsibility in the discipline.


Six of my former students, during the Roscoff 2013 conference:
Morgan Deal, Olivier Richard, Michael Bazot, Georges Alecian, José Dias do Nascimento, Matthieu Castro.