Biography – Responsabilities
In France :
- President of the scientific committee of the general congress of the French Physical Society, Orsay, July 3-7, 2017.
- Member of the National Council of Universities for 14 years
- Member of the High Scientific Committee of the Paris Observatory for 5 years
- Member of the specialty commission of the 30th and then 34th section at the University of Toulouse for more than twenty years (vice-president for several years)
- Member of various ministerial commissions (committee for the attribution of doctoral and research supervision bonuses, groups of experts)
- President of the scientific council of the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris in 1993 and in 1997
- Member of research committees for the succession of directors of institutions Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris (1997), Observatoire de Paris-Meudon (2006 and 2007)
- President during 4 years of the SFSA (Société Française des Spécialistes d’Astronomie) which became under my mandate SF2A (Société Française d’Astronomie et d’Astrophysique) on the occasion of its 20th anniversary; organizer of the JENAM’99 congress (600 astrophysicists, 12 parallel sessions, etc.)
- Elected member of the national council of the French Physical Society for 4 years, President of the Midi-Pyrénées section of this society from June 1991 to June 1994. Organization in Toulouse of the national congress of the SFP in July 1993 (700 physicists, plenary conferences, round tables, 13 specialties colloquia, as well as public events in the city and in the countryside). President of the astrophysics division of the SFP from 2001 to 2004, currently member of its board. Member of the SFP Grand Prix Committee until 2004
- Member of the Scientific Council of the National Program of Cosmology for 4 years; president of the scientific council of the research group on magnetism in solar-type stars for one year
- Member of the Academy of Air and Space
- Member of the junior jury of the Institut universitaire de France in 2007;
- President of this jury in 2008; Member of the senior jury in 2009 and 2010
- Expert at the European Commission
- Expert at the ESO (European Southern Observatory), program committee, Garching (Germany) for five years
- Expert for the Canadian Research Center and for NASA
- Member of the directorial research commission and then of the scientific committee of the International Space Science Institute (Bern, Switzerland) for about ten years
- Member of the International Astronomical Union
- Member of the Academia Europae
- Regular referee of the main international astrophysical journals
- Several organizations of international conferences and congresses
- Currently vice-president of the international bureau of the C2 commission of the International Astronomical Union « Communicating Astronomy with the Public ».